A very professional and effective service.
David (Cornwall)
“A very prompt service supported by high quality products that are priced competitively, why would I look elsewhere?”
Jennifer (Northumberland)
“A genuine 24/7 support, if ever there is a need for a call out I know my local AHT engineer will respond immediately.”
Nick (Portsmouth)
“Apollo Healthcare Technologies understand our organisation’s requirements, with this in mind there is no doubt that they have saved our Trust’s spend on Pressure Ulcer Management. The portfolio and support ensures we now use marketing leading products with excellent training and servicing programmes in place.”
Annie (Berkshire)
“Having met an AHT representative at a conference, I have now struck up a strategic relationship with them to be providers of all their pressure area care products and moving and handling equipment to my customers in the Middle East. The reliability of their products are second-to-none, this aspect alone allows me to spend more time on other areas of my business.”
Ahmed (UAE)
“Right products, right price, right support.”
Claire (Birmingham)
“From Director level to engineers, I know I can call upon AHT to be on hand for a fast delivery, spare part requirement or indeed a sounding board. AHT understands our family business and the pressure area care and moving and handling markets. Unlike some other providers they want to work with our nursing supplies company, rather than against us.”
Graham (London)
We are positive we will have a long and happy relationship with Apollo Healthcare and cannot thank their front line staff enough for being so engaging, professional and consistent with their excellent service and knowledge. A company we are proud to work with and would definitely recommend.
Julia (Droitwich)
As a company and customer we cannot fault the services of Apollo Healthcare Technologies Ltd, Their customer service is exceptional and nothing is ever too much trouble.
Jeff (Worcestershire)

Fantastic feedback from Nottinghamshire Healthcare Tissue Viability Team for supporting through Covid 19.
Covid 19 feedback for support Nottinghamshire Healthcare, Tissue Viability

Apollo 4 Dynamic Cushion System
Hi Justin
Many thanks for email.
I actually really like this cushion and it is working really well for the lady we are using it with. She has a very high waterlow score (28) weighs approx. 48KG and has unfortunately gone through some ill health where she has not been well enough to sit out of bed.
She has been using the cushion for a couple of weeks daily for approx. 2hrs with brilliant results and we are now increasing time sitting out to 2x 2hrs daily. So she can have both lunch and dinner sitting out. Her skin has not marked and the nursing staff inform me there is no redness after sitting out.
The Nursing staff seem really happy with the cushion and I particularly appreciate the gel insert especially for this lady.
In terms of ordering more. I would highly recommend these and have forwarded on the information in case they need to order specifically for individual reasons. In terms of the larger orders, we will re-start these post-Covid.
Many thanks
Luciana Sheriff Care Agency Gibraltar Government, Clinical

Debra Pease said after installation that the difference was truly amazing and going to give the individual such a better quality of life.
Debra also commented that Apollo Healthcare Technologies knows so much about the products. They really put, not only the users but the commissioners at ease too. They can always come up with a solution to overcome any concerns.
Debra Pease NHS Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group, Complex Care Strategic Lead
Hi Leighanne
May I say you have been incredible helpful in dealing with this order in such a friendly and professional manner and clearly your customer service skills are exemplary.
Kindest regards
Martin Weaver Damar Healthcare Ltd, Finance Director
Hi Andy
I’ve had fantastic service from Leighanne and others at Apollo today . Just want you to be aware and thank them from me ❤️❤️ Cheers paul
Paul Needham Private Purchase

Morning Shaun
Just want to say thankyou for the great service from you, from start to finish setting up with all the pricing and putting the equipment in place so that the client can come home after being in residential care for the last year.
What a deference it has made to his life, my having the correct items put in place by you to make it possible.
Kind regards
Barbara HerbertClient Service executive
Barbara Herbert Home Instead, Client Service executive
P: 08 6310 0400
Unit 3, 24 Parkland Road, Osborne Park WA 6017
PO Box 709, Osborne Park 6916

To feedback, the patient cannot fault the mattress at all. He says it is 10/10 for comfort, and both he and his carer say that he is able to move around easier on the mattress than his previous, which means he is more concordant with advice given about repositioning too. This is really positive news as the patient previously trialled multiple mattresses which he did not get on with
Hello Trisha, Georgie, Andrew,
I am pleased to report the bed has been delivered and installed.
We are very grateful and appreciative of your Team for their work this morning.
We are very pleased with the bed.
If, at any point in the future, we require any more beds we will be in touch.
Kind regards,
Andrew Seacroft Hospital - Leeds, Forensic Service

We have received a More Fantastic Feedback from a clinical team for the Morpheus Air Zero Paediatric System following another successful trial.
“I have just spoken to dad, he reports his child is getting on really well with the mattress, she is really settled and comfortable. He reports she is more settled than when she was on the old dynamic system being used."
Sharni Douthwaite Nottingham City Council, Occupational Therapist